==== Previous requirements ====
=== Workshop materials ===
All workshop materials can be found at
[[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IBjCrE-T1-TSgkaHpmRPv-i8rO8NUG8e|here]]. This will later be populated with slides and worksheets, but right now just contains the instructions and data bundle
=== Software instructions ===
In order to prepare your laptop in advance, there is a quick guide with installation instructions
[[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vq205rfRuhSnZun-2AC8mnLr_ru2ftP4uWl9JQ0cxVs/edit|here]] .
Furthermore, for the last day, it is strongly recommended to download the latest version of Google Chrome from [[https://www.google.com/chrome/|here]]
=== Data download ===
Regarding the previous steps to start our workshop, there is a series of data that given the bandwidth of the laboratory, it would be advisable to download the data before the day of the workshop, the data can be downloaded [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gIXuQ9G7XDwfLOCXXIWU7Pm3juGTDkDv/view|here]].
=== Survey ===
Please, fill out the survey by **October 15th** so that the Instructors know about your experience levels and can cater to you:
[[https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9K5LTD2|Survey Monkey]].